Friday, December 18, 2009

Theories as to why Americans have small lives.

Visualizing Tiny Concepts
The current imaginary god that the plebes worship.

Many a fanatical individual possess small anti-intellectual lives and are accordingly subsumed by the media's infatuation with violence. Since most of these people rarely read, let alone think outside of their conservative envelopes, they are eagerly influenced by what they psychically consume on the TV, internet, radio and like minded peeps.

Thus when a major life episode occurs in people whose prepackaged lives are too inherently vacuous to begin with, a ‘sadistic antipathy event’ occurs, such as the loss of a spouse, job or economic viability. An ‘implosion of the psyche’ experience arises within those who do not possess an adequate societal coping mechanism and therefore feel an intrinsic need to inflict blame or destruction upon someone or something that they perceive has done them wrong. Hence they sense that they must seize a moral obligation to eradicate their imaginary fears via suicidal ideation and consequently seek a subconscious reunion with their artificially flavored god/heaven.

Army of Flunkies

Trig Palin in 2012

Trig Palin, defacto mercenary for Blackwater in 2020.

Seems as if new oral fixation as of late is the rent-a-army unit hitherto-be known as Blackwater. They are essentially the world's largest private parts army.

These heavily armed low rent-a-louts couldn't fight their way out of a Chinese made plastic bag. Fighting two wars for over 8 years with nary anything to show for it, whilst our economy here in US collapses.

You would have thought they could have captured Osama Bin Laden or at least hired some queer flame-throwers to burn the opium poppy fields into oblivion to cut off Al-Qaedaa funding.

Makes you wonder when the State Department is going to send in this army of flunkies into Mexico.

Meanwhile at the State Dept, Hillary is on an encrypted Blackberry (made in China) as I write, begging the Shadow Secretary Dick Cheney to speed dial Eric Prince to convince the Prince of Virginia to send in team Neanderthal to Mexico to fight a drug war waged since the Tricky Dick Nixon Admin spectacular.

This as the uber powerful Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao listens into the bugged Blackberry, silently farts in disbelief and giggles with glee as Paper Tiger Prophecy is fulfilled.